What’s your STORY?
Drama is a story. It usually contains a few facts, but is essentially fiction.
Everyone has a story.
We all have stories we tell ourselves to justify our shortcomings and for the things we achieve.
A great man once said, “all that we are, is the result of what we have thought”. Buddha
What we think we become. What we focus on we create.
We have a story we tell to the public, but then we have the story we tell ourselves.
These stories may help explain away our short comings and reasoning for not having what we want or they may explain away the reasons we have the situations or things we do have in our life. No matter what it is, the story we tell ourselves is like a script that we adhere to and gives us results and justifies our outcome.
Every day I encounter people that want something, but often don’t know what it is and why they can’t get it. Some want amazing relationships, affluence, abundance, good health, and some want to just be able to make it from paycheck to pay check without worry. What people WANT varies.
But here is what you must do. You must begin to tell your story about the way you want your life to be. Tell your story of the way you want it to be until you begin to believe the story. (After all, you believe the story you are telling now as though it were true!)
Do you have a story for when things go wrong?
We create these little stories as we go through life that helps us explain life. Under stress and duress it automatically plays like a broken record over and over, again and again.
I remember, as a child, I had this little notebook and I would collect all these adages and ideas. When I counted them up, over 80% of them were about money. But there were others like, never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. So with an adage like that, you can’t have a lazy day or if you do, you feel so guilty that the lazy day wasn’t really the day of rest you had intended.We collect these little sayings, these adages and we use them for various reasons, usually to get ourselves going.
Let’s take an example. We have a military man who’s gone most of the time. The family has settled into a daily routine, mom’s in charge, everyone flows well and knows their role. The military man comes home and his attitude toward the household is that everything has to be polished, clean, tidy and absolutely scrubbed.
What effect does this have on the family?
It forces the children to either go into agreement with it or to become a slob depending on his attitude toward the parent. He has a choice. Now the choice he has made becomes the story he lives as his life. The tape plays on automatic and becomes a habit that he embraces and dramatizes without consideration. Later as he grows older this habit may haunt him as he tries to break it, forgetting what and where he made that choice.
Another example might be, when you grow up in a family where certain things are ok to cheat about, like taxes. There’s a saying that, “everyone cheats on taxes.” What lesson could one learn from that? What story is one going to write about that?
The story would be, don’t get caught. These things get embedded deep into our consciousness because humans are marvelous copycats. They did a study not too long ago of human children and apes just to see who would be the better copier. Humans came out way ahead of apes. We always think of apes as great copycats. Humans are way better. In our formative years, we learn by copying. It’s a lot more than just what we learn in school. We copy the attitude and the different things we observe. It’s put into our consciousness just because we observed them. It’s not like anyone is trying to teach us these things. It may be the exact opposite of what our parents or teachers are trying to teach.
Unconscious Copying
There are so many things in our culture that we don’t inspect because we unconsciously copied them. How many times in your life have you said, “I don’t want to be like my parents?”
Yet, one day you find yourself punishing your children in a manner your parents did when you were in trouble. It’s amazing even though we have rebelled against our parents and their way has subconsciously sneaked into our world. You don’t necessarily inspect this until it’s too late.
Stories are kind of interesting because they are usually little explanations of failure.
Have you ever run into a person who wants to tell you his story over and over again?
Stories aren’t usually very productive. They get in the way of production. The person who wants to tell you their story but does not want to do anything about it, that person is not looking to change things, they are looking to vent and waste your time.
People who do really well in life, have a good time, live life and can change their story at will. This is a very interesting thing to do. If you get up in the morning and decide this is going to be a rotten day, guess what? Then it will be. What can you do to change it? Here’s something you can do, first ask yourself is this what I really want to be? If not, change it and say, it’s going to be a great day! Then go about putting your attention on creating the things that make the story true. This little adjustment will cause a change in attitude and results.
This makes a lot of difference because we live our lives according to our thinking. If we have stinking thinking, we will have a stinking vibe. If you don’t like the story, you have to change it. But first, you have to figure out what the story IS that you’re running on. It may not be the same one every time.
What happens when one doesn’t communicate?
Usually one will make stories up in one’s head that are not particularly accurate and this requires other people have to fill in the blanks. This is dangerous. Let’s say you have somebody who doesn’t communicate very well. You think in your mind the person is mad at you or doesn’t like you. You don’t ask but whats the story you’ve written in your mind? This is a story that’s entirely within your head because you’ve noticed something. You think something about it but you don’t ask. Just think, if you asked the person about their lack of communication it would then have given the person the opportunity to say it has nothing to do with you.
Sometimes, people go through whole relationships trying to be what they think the other person wants them to be. It’s very stressful. You can never quite be yourself as long as you’re acting like you’re on stage. You can’t relax. It’s probably the cause of much nervous tension. It’s probably the cause of a lot of illness and certainly a lot of crabby bad temper.
What makes the story stick or continue to play?
The emotion that one feels about these stories is what kind of roots them. In other words, if you didn’t have any feeling about it, it would just be a story. But if you had a feeling about it then that feeling will root it in place. If you see the story exactly as it is; it’s just a story. But, if you have an emotion about it, you resist it or don’t like it or you have some feeling of sorrow, it’s going to impact you and stay with you until you realize that you, in some way identify with that story or in some way you reacted to it.
Remove the effects of old stories, sign up now for your free interview and start to:
- Change your story!
- Discover what you really want!
- Change the story to what you really really want!
Dynamism is the study of Life Energy known as Dynamis. Dynamism is a philosophy of personal evolution, a unique blend of Western and Eastern ideas, that opens the door to the individual unlocking his personal dynamism.
Dynamism delivers workshops and classes as well as Dynamis Clearing. Dynamis Clearing involves learning to use your life energy as well as dissipating old energy locked in by old heartbreaks and disappointments.
The Essence of Dynamism is connection, communication and personal sovereignty.
I welcome you to Dynamism.